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ActiveElement provides a comprehensive and robust authorization model to limit access to specific areas of your application to specific users. Any custom authorization not provided by ActiveElement can be implemented using whatever setup you prefer, either by writing your own before_action methods that restrict access, e.g. by calling head :unauthorized, or by using a more advanced authorization framework like Pundit or CanCanCan.

ActiveElement does not attempt to replace the functionality of such frameworks and does not prevent their usage. Instead, the focus is on providing default permissions for accessing specific controller actions. Access control of particular data resources is left to the application and there are numerous high quality frameworks that provide this functionality.

If any controller inherits from ActiveElement::ApplicationController then it will automatically have permissions applied to all of its controller actions and, if authorization is enabled, users must have the required permissions to access. This provides an automated least-privelege model to all of your application’s endpoints with minimal effort.

Note that actions that exist out of the standard set of Rails RESTful resources (i.e. index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy) must have an explicit permission configuration defined using active_element.permit_action. See Custom Routes for more information.

See the Setup and Permissions sections to get started.

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