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Custom Routes

If you have any routes defined that do not fall under the routes automatically defined by Rails with the resources routes helper (i.e. anything other than index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy) you must have an explicit permission configuration defined. This design choice is intended to reduce the risk of accidental exposure of sensitive data by defaulting to having all routes protected. ActiveElement will raise ActiveEleement::UnprotectedRouteError if an unprotected route is defined.

ActiveElement provides active_element.permit_action, available in all controllers that inherit from ActiveElement::ApplicationController.

Use this helper to define a permission that a user must have in order to access a route or, if the route is intended to be available for any signed-in user, specify that it is always permitted.

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb

class ApplicationController < ActiveElement::ApplicationController
  prepend_before_action :configure_authentication


  def configure_authentication
    active_element.authenticate_with { authenticate_user! }
    active_element.authorize_with { current_user }
# app/controllers/bookings_controller.rb

class BookingsController < ApplicationController
  active_element.permit_action :export_csv, with: 'can_export_bookings_csv'
  active_element.permit_action :remaining_tickets, always: true

  def export_csv
    # ...

  def remaining_tickets
    # ...

In this example, #export_csv is only accessible to users with the can_export_bookings_csv permission, and #remaining_tickets is always available to any who has passed initial authentication.

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